YmC Clan

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YmC Clan

Yahoo messenger Conference Clan

Guys please be active to our Clan forum sayang naman effort dito kung d nyo gagamitin



    Posts : 26
    Join date : 2010-04-29
    Age : 34
    Location : Santa Barbara Pangasinan


    Post  [YmC]invoker Thu Apr 29, 2010 6:06 pm

    Please stick to these Forum rules before posting or creating any thread.

    On Creating/Replying a Thread:
    -NEVER SPAM[no double posting]
    -Don't post any censored topics
    -Search first for other related thread before posting another thread
    -Never say something negative about the clan[YmC]
    -Don't be a jejemon! [xsirR azxk cuh lanh zsana ift kyuut kvah tlgah..?]
    we are a group of professionals and not some monkey team.

    On Community Relations:
    -Never say negative words on your fellow forum members
    -Respect other members specially the Admins, Moderator's and other officials

    Regarding on Garena, in-game give respect to the officials of this clan, from the Clan Lord to Squad Leaders.

    Clan Lord: [YmC]DaVioN
    Captain: [YmC]Mirana <-- Murahin nyo kung gusto nyo
    Organizer: [YmC]invoker <-- Yan dapat CL eh pasaway lang ung isa, Feeling.
    Examiner: [YmC]Kunkka
    Squad Leader: [YmC]Slark

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 6:43 am