YmC Clan

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YmC Clan

Yahoo messenger Conference Clan

Guys please be active to our Clan forum sayang naman effort dito kung d nyo gagamitin

2 posters



    Posts : 13
    Join date : 2010-04-29
    Age : 34
    Location : Bangar La Union


    Post  [YmC]DaViOn Fri Apr 30, 2010 8:13 pm

    † Planning of Leaving as a [YmC] member.

    o You are obliged to ask permission whenever you have future plans of leaving the clan by informing the clan or the officials specifically to the Clan Lord. It could help you have manners. Remember that you once asked the favor of joining the clan so it means you definitely have to ask permission before you leave the clan. It should be at a reasonable.
    - Leaving because of anger is not reasonable. We all know that it is not right to make a decision when your mad.
    - Other cases that are non-sense.


    Severe Punishments will be made if you do not follow the rules and regulations of the clan. I highly expect that everyone in the clan understand this and are able and willing to follow and take the punishments once you have violated some of the rules stated above. Remember guys, You are Lucky to be a part of the clan. If you want to be a part of this clan for good, please follow the rules. Para din sa inyo to. at pra sa ika-bubuti nang Clan at samahan nating mga [YmC].

    Posts : 26
    Join date : 2010-04-29
    Age : 34
    Location : Santa Barbara Pangasinan

    READ THIS ONE [YmC]'s Empty Re: READ THIS ONE [YmC]'s

    Post  [YmC]invoker Sat May 01, 2010 10:36 pm

    Severe punishments such as?
    -Banned sa Room 14
    -Super Trash Talk pag nasa Room 14
    -Duduraan sa mata?


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